Bleeding and Believing

Monday, February 11, 2008

Treat that mark!

My cousin told me that one of the biggest consequences that mothers face after their pregnancy are the stretch marks. Because our skin is elastic, pregnancy causes it to stretch a lot and this stretching leave scars that may or may not disappear completely.

Rather than curing stretch marks after pregnancy, many people suggest that it is better to prevent stretch marks during the early stages of pregnancy. There are many available stretch mark creams right now that promise stretch mark prevention. I've heard of revitol stretch mark cream to be effective, resulting to fewer stretch marks during and after pregnancy.

Various treatments are also available for the purpose of improving the appearance of stretch marks, which includes dermatological procedures like laser treatments and dermabrasion. However, the problem with these treatments is that they are significantly more expensive than the creams available in the market.

New approaches to stretch mark treatment such as pulsed dye laser was found to give very good subjective scar improvement in almost 89.2% of 37 patients. The use of fractional laser resurfacing, on the other hand, creates microscopic wounds that makes the body produce new collagen and epithelium. Last year, 5-6 treatments using fractional laser resurfacing has resulted to stretch mark improvement by as much as 75%.

With all these new ways of treating stretch marks, mothers don't anymore have to worry about bringing their skin back to it's former glory. It's never been this easy, I suppose. Well, you just have to be extra aware of the cost of these treatments as it may range from relatively cheap to unbelievably expensive. Always make sure to ask advise from a dermatologist before trying out any stretch mark treatment. It's a woman's number one rule: be careful and beautiful.


posted by Dorxie at 10:39 AM   [ 0 comments ]

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