Bleeding and Believing

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I am Queen Paranoia

The events happening lately in my life are bringing me closer to my sanity's threshold. Paranoia's driving me to the edge, and it wouldn't be long before I wear a straightjacket. Seriously.

What kills me more is that I can not openly talk about this whole paranoia thing. You see, since I am Queen Paranoia right now, I am too paranoid that the people involved in the situation may get the chance to read that the hoopla has taken me this far -- that alone might just bring joy to their pathetic lives.

By admitting that I am becoming paranoid of some things may indicate that people around me are slowly becoming successful of their mission: to take me down at all cost. I don't care if this is just a figment of my mind, but I will not allow them to completely drive me to my wits' end.

I must stop here before things get crazier.


posted by Dorxie at 6:05 PM   [ 0 comments ]

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