Bleeding and Believing

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I am tired, dead-tired. I have been studying for weeks now. Honestly, studying is not my forte, not something I enjoy, not my hobby. I study because I HAVE TO and if i don't, I'm dead meat.

Students from other colleges around the university say that science students are nerds, studying non-stop. In short, no life.

Excuse me. We are not nerds, we just value education more than you do. The thing is, if we don't study we will fail and if we fail we repeat another year which means money is wasted. Therefore, we can not afford to fail, our parents would not be pleased. See, that's how important school is to us. And besides, more than 50% of our population are future doctors. Now, when you are 40 years old and you are suffering from a brain defect you wouldn't want your doctor to prescribe you the wrong meds right?

Oh, and not only that. We are the future chemists, psychologists, physicists, and actuaries. We play vital roles in the society. As a chemist, I do much research to contribute to a high quality of modern Filipino life.

I just remembered, I'm not a professional chemist yet. You may call me that 2 weeks from now. Haha!

Going back. You see, we study stuff that will affect human lives. And if we don't study well now, we will fail to do the job we are trained for: make my and YOUR life a hell lot easier.

I graduated from the College of Science already but I am proud to say I am developed by the"Science" way. And whatever habits I have now, it's because that was my way of life for the past four years. So even if i don't like to study, I know i have to because I need it. I have strong self conviction that I can go through this as I have gone through it many times before. Yebah!


Enough seriousness.

I'm too busy to shop. I have to check the All Flip Flops shop in Glorietta and have my green Havs replaced. I have to get a new pair soon! Oh, and i have to visit Power Books too. Dang. Gotta find time.


Countdown: Twelve days before being a chemist. Woohoo!

posted by Dorxie at 9:52 PM   [ 0 comments ]

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